Since being awarded grant funding in late July, the New Building District Committee has begun planning and designing for the new Venice Elementary school building. The committee met with FGM architects on August 31st to begin designing the new building. Exciting times to come!
Bow Tie Tuesday with the boys was a success! Mr. McKinley plans to do "Bow Tie Tuesdays" with the boys and "Pearls for Girls" on Wednesdays each week. We appreciate everyone that participated including two Board members who joined us on this special Tuesday.
"Back to School Night" is being held TONIGHT from 6 PM to 7 PM at Venice Elementary School. Come see your child's classroom and interact with school families, classmates and staff in our school parking lot while enjoying a nice cool treat from an ice cream truck. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 first day of class is on Wednesday, August 17th! We hope to see you!
Bus transportation times have arrived! Please click on the link to find your child's bus pick up and drop off times: Find your street address to locate your child's bus pick up and drop off time. Please note these times are approximate so please be patient with our drivers the first week of school as we work through any challenges that arise. Staff will have the bus lists tonight at "Back to School Night" so feel free to ask your child's teacher about your child's bus pick up and drop off times. Thank you.
Reminder! Tuesday is "Back to School Night" from 6 PM to 7 PM at Venice Elementary School. Come see your child's classroom and interact with school families and classmates in our school parking lot while enjoying a nice cool treat from an ice cream truck. Students first day of class is on Wednesday, August 17th! We can't wait to see you!
Venice School Families! School is less than a week away! Students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 first day of school is Wednesday, August 17th. Pre-Kindergarten students first day of school is Wednesday, August 24th. We look forward to seeing all our students soon!
REMINDER! Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 16th from 6 PM to 7 PM. Come see your child's classroom and interact with school families and classmates in our school parking lot while enjoying a nice cool treat from an ice cream truck. We can't wait to see you!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Back to School Night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16th from 6 PM to 7 PM. Come see your child's classroom and interact with school families and classmates in our school parking lot while enjoying a nice cool treat from an ice cream truck. We can't wait to see you! Students first day of school is on Wednesday, August 17th!
Good Afternoon Venice Parents! I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer. Please help me welcome our new staff members to Venice Elementary for the 2022-2023 school year: Mr. Roshoin McKinley, Principal; Mrs. Alyssa Marsala, PreKindergarten Teacher; Ms. DeAmbra Williams, Pre-Kindergarten Paraprofessional; Ms. Nia Valentine, Middle School Paraprofessional. We are looking forward to a great year!
Attention Venice School Families! School is starting soon! Students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 first day of school is Wednesday, August 17th. Pre-Kindergarten students first day of school is Wednesday, August 24th. We look forward to seeing all our students soon!
Reminder! 2022-2023 school registration is set for Wednesday, August 3rd from 9 AM to 2 PM at Venice Elementary School. Please mark your calendars to attend! Click on the link here to download the school registration packet: School registration packets are also available for pickup at the school office. Have a good day!
Reminder! 2022-2023 school registration is set for August 3rd from 9 AM to 2 PM at Venice Elementary School. Please mark your calendars to attend! Click on the link here to download the school registration packet: School registration packets are also available for pickup at the school office. Have a good day!
Good morning! I want to inform you all Kindergarten through Grade 8 students first day of school is August 17th. PreKindergarten students first day of school is August 24th. School registration for all students is scheduled for August 3rd from 9 AM to 2 PM at the school. Stay tuned, more information will be coming to you soon. Have a great day!
Good Afternoon Venice Families! I hope everyone is having a great summer! I wanted to inform you 2022-2023 school registration is set for August 3rd from 9 AM to 2 PM at Venice Elementary School. Please mark your calendars to attend! Click on the link here to download the school registration packet: School registration packets are also available for pickup at the school office. Enjoy your evening!
More Juneteenth events happening today! Freedom Walk at 10 AM, Parade at 12 PM and Food and Music at the Venice Park beginning at 2 PM. Please join us if you are available to do so. Click on this link for detailed information about the event:
Please come join us for Juneteenth activities going on tonight starting at 6 PM at Madison High School! Click on the link for detailed information about the event: Venice students will be performing tonight! You won't want to miss it. We would love to see you there!
Please come join us for Juneteenth activities going on this weekend! Click on this link for detailed information about the event: Some of our Venice students will be performing on Friday night. You won't want to miss it. We would love to see you there!
Attention Summer School Parents! I wanted to inform you that the time for our summer school field trip to the swimming pool on Wednesday, June 15th and Wednesday, June 22nd will be extended until 2 PM on these two school days only. If this time change causes a problem for you please contact your child's summer school teacher.
Mark Your Calendars to attend the Tri-Cities Juneteenth Celebration event happening right here in our community on June 17th through the 19th. You will not want to miss this amazing event! Please click on the link to see the flier and pre-register now!
Reminder! Tomorrow is graduation day at Venice Library. We are looking forward to the event. Pre-Kindergarten graduation begins at 10 AM. Kindergarten graduation begins at 12 PM. 8th grade graduation begins at 2 PM. Attendees will need a ticket to attend the event as seating is limited. If you have questions about the event please contact the school office.